Enable desktop icons and right click on Elementary OS
Elementary is an elegant operating system. It resembles like a Mac operating system. When you install Elementary OS afresh, you will not see icons on the desktop. If we right-click on the desktop, you will not get the right-click menu as in other operating systems.
This guide will help you to enable desktop icons and desktop right-click in Elementary OS.
Step 1. Install Nautilus dconf-tools:
Open terminal and type the following command.
sudo apt update.
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends nautilus dconf-tools.
Step 2. Choose what you want to view on your Desktop:
Run dconf editor from Slingshot.
Go to Org -> gnome -> nautilus -> desktop in the left menu tree, check the necessary parts.
Step 3. Edit:
Go to Org -> pantheon -> desktop -> Cerbere and add as shown below.
Edit the 'Monitored-process' as ['wingpanel', 'plank', 'slingshot-launcher --silent', 'nautilus -n']
Step 4. Config Again:
Go back to Org -> gnome -> desktop -> background and check the box next to "show-desktop-icons" in the right menu.
Step 5. Run Command:
Open terminal and type following command 'nautilus -n'.
You will see that there are icons on the screen and the right-click menu also works.
To add an icon, click "Applications" in the upper left corner and drag it to the desktop.
Note: If there any problem, you can log out and log in again to see the changes. You can also reboot the system.
You can install "Desktop folder" from the Github page or Appcenter and restart your computer.
Github link: https://github.com/spheras/desktopfolder
Appcenter link: https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.spheras.desktopfolder
This application will enable your desktop and right click functions
You can install "Desktop folder" from the Github page or Appcenter and restart your computer.
Github link: https://github.com/spheras/desktopfolder
Appcenter link: https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.spheras.desktopfolder
This application will enable your desktop and right click functions
Unable to find Cerbere in Step 3 Please Help .Cerbere is Missing in my Dconf Editor
REPLYvery informative!!!
REPLYCerbere is missing, useless guide
REPLYCerbere is under
You're welcome. ;)
There is no cerbere under org->pantheon->desktop->cerbere