Wednesday, August 21

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers among users. The most common default web browser of a Linux operating system is Firefox. But most of them use Google Chrome because of its user-friendliness and its features.

In this article, let us discuss on how you can install Google Chrome on Debian.

Note: Google Chrome is not available on Debian's repository. We need to download Chrome from Google's repository.

Download Google Chrome:

-> Launch Terminal
-> Update and upgrade the system repositories by running:

# apt update

# apt upgrade

-> We can get Google Chrome from its official repository using the wget command:

Note: By default wget tool will not be installed in the system to and you will get an error like you see the below screenshot.

The GNU Wget is a free and open source tool for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies and much more.

To get the wget tool to your system please follow the following command:

# sudo apt-get install wget

Or # sudo apt install wget

Once you make sure that you have wget tool installed in your system, then use the command to download Google Chrome from its official repository

Install Google Chrome on Debian:

To install Google Chrome alongside all the dependencies, run the command:

# sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Once installed, you can launch it by clicking on Activities > Google Chrome.

You can also launch from your terminal using the command:

# google-chrome

When launching Chrome for the first time, you will get a pop-up notification as shown in the below.

Choose according to your preference and click the OK button.

This will open Google Chrome's browser default page.

Removing Google Chrome

If you are not happy with this browser, you'd rather use another browser instead.

Uninstall Google Chrome using the command

# sudo apt purge google-chrome-stable

Next, run

# sudo apt autoremove

The second command clears away any residual packages and helps free space.


Give it a try and give us your experience. If you like this post, please like and share this post. Thank you for your time.

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